Monday, November 5, 2007

The Pact - Disc 7

Given recent events in Newark, how might this book contrast the stereotype of Newark? How were the people who were killed breaking the stereotype? (The shooters represent stereotype.) What might’ve been different between the two? (3 Delaware State students were murdered at an elementary school in August, another was shot in the head, but survived).


Darlene Arias said...

The stereo type of Newark has always been that it is a bad town to live in. It is a real urban community with continuous crime going on and drugs on the daily. These three men definetly proved that stereo type to be wrong because they themselves grew up around th violence and drugs of Newark. They were also young kids that lived on the street at one point in there lives and felt the need to do bad on the streets in order to survive. However, they decided to o good for themselves and changed there lives around. They proved to all children not only living in Newark, but living in any area that are surrounded by such situations that they too can turn the lives around and make a difference.

Perk said...

The recent events that occured in Newark this past summer contrast the book because it shows that nothing positive can come from the city of Newark. The three young men that are mentioned in the book were trying to make a better life themselves. By doing that they set a positive path for other young men to follow. Since the voilenced is still ongoing it just misrepresents their efforts on showing that we good people. The book showed three young men succeeding in their academics to become greater men, while the incident in Mount Vernon Area which is close to my house proves that young men want nothing more then to become thugs and criminals.

EAZE said...

This novel contrasts the sterotype of newark because newark has always been known as a place that no good can come out of people from newark are usually drug dealers and gangbangers but in this novel there are three afreican american teenage boys coming out of newark trying to do sumthing go for themsleves and the oones around them. They make a pact to be doctors and eventually fullfill it. I know about newark seeing as i lived a majority of my life there. I lived in newark for 10 years and after a certain time my parents would never let me go outside and i would here gunshots and see things on the news so this is a big thing for something postive coming out of newark finally.

KASIE said...

For as long as i can remember, I have always heard of Newark to be a bad place to live. A place where you wouldnt like to raise a family, a place where you dont want to work at, due to the high level of crimes in the area. Even though many killings, robbery's rapes etc have been occuuring in Newark that doesnt mean that nothing productive can come out of that. The Pact contrasts the stereotype of newark because just like many urban kids grow up on these tough streets and think that there is nothing more to life, these 3 men ; Sam, George, and Rameck have shown many that yes, you may be living a tough life but that doesnt mean you cant succeed. These men proved that if you set your mind on something you can achieve it. They grew up on the very same "ghetto" urban streets that kids today are living in and showed everyone that it doesnt matter where you live because anyone can overcome their problems and achieve greatness.

NiCk said...

The reputation that Newark has had for years is not a good one. A while back Newark was a very nice place to live. Recently in the last few years it has turned in to something that it is not. Based on these killing there this has labeled Newark to be even a worse place now. This murder was a nasty one with the kids being shot execution style. The book makes people who read this believe that people that come from there can be successful. And that if you work hard there you can be successful just like the boys in the book. This could hopefully help the way today that people look at Newark.

Yurley said...

The book contrasts the stereotype of Newark because we don’t expect three African Americans from Newark to become doctors. We expect them to be stealing or dealing drugs or killing or being killed. However, Sam, George, and Rameck had proved many people wrong.. They achieved goals we don't normally hear of in our reality of Newark.
The kids who were killed were breaking the stereotype because they were trying to achieve goals. They were going to college to better themselves and not be like the stereotype. Unfortunately they couldn’t reach their dreams because their lives were ended in a terrible sudden way. It's sad that the three students heading to Delaware had such an abrupt stop in their road to success.

Yurley said...
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keyon diggs said...

The stereo type of Newark is that it horrible but once u live their you think different. they say It is a real black community with drugs and violence going on every day. These three men definetly proved that stereo type to be wrong because everyone that grows up around up around violence and drugs in Newark arent a part of the problem. they just live there.and some time they feel as if they have to fit in around where they live. but at the end of the day it not what u do is how u do it. and to this day thiers poeple all over thwe world that now no that there is hope for poeple in newark

keyon diggs